That beautiful, unending snow in the mountains will soon end and be headed to the valleys as the snow pack melts. Areas in the Salt Lake Valley and along the Wasatch Front are going to face flooding as indicated by past history. Christ UMC will be working with the local disaster relief and UMCOR to prepare flood buckets. St. Paul's UMC in Colorado Springs has sent us 25 buckets. We need 25 more. Each bucket full of supplies costs about $100. Please make a monetary donation using this link or drop off items from the list below in the bin by the west door. The Boy Scout Troops and Adult Sunday School class will help assemble the buckets. Let's be prepared now.
Items that can be purchased and donated in the bin at Christ UMC:
Items that can be purchased and donated in the bin at Christ UMC:
- 5-gallon bucket with resealable lid - advertisements on the outside are acceptable, no buckets that have stored chemicals
- liquid laundry detergent - two 25 oz. or one 50 oz., bottles only
- liquid household cleaner - 12-16 oz. liquid cleaner that can be mixed with water, no spray cleaners
- dish soap - 16-28 oz. bottle, any brand
- 1 can air freshener - aerosol or pump
- 1 insect repellant spray - 6-14 oz. aerosol spray pump
- 1 scrub brush - plastic or wooden handle
- 18 cleaning wipes - handi wipes or reusable wipes, no terry cleaning towels
- 7 sponges
- 5 scouring pads
- 50 clothespins
- clothesline - two 50 ft. or one 100 ft.; cotton or plastic
- 24 roll heavy duty trash bags
- 5 dust masks
- 2 pair disposable kitchen gloves - rubber or latex
- 1 pair work gloves - cotton or leather