Charitable Giving Made Easy!
Gifts and pledges may be made at any time to the General Fund, which supports the day-to-day operations of the church on an annual basis, and the Building/Mortgage Fund, which pays our current building loan.
Year-end Giving: Don’t forget to plan for your year-end giving! It is through the pledges and contributions of our members that we are able to carry on our work at Christ UMC. We remind you that we offer Electronic Giving as a way to automate your offerings. It is convenient for you and provides much-needed consistency for the church. Collection basket offerings can fluctuate significantly from week to week but when contributions are automated, the church receives funds on a steady, uninterrupted basis. Please click on the link to the right where you can set up both scheduled or one-time contributions. We also accept stock donations. Don’t sell that stock - donate it! You won’t be taxed on the capital gains and you can deduct the market value.
Make contributions to Christ UMC online using your Checking or Savings Account or a Debit/Credit Card!
How to make changes to my current contribution. Click here.
For questions about giving or current balances, please contact Laurie Asmussen, Finance Secretary at 801-486-5473 ext. 117 or at Laurie's email.
Year-end Giving: Don’t forget to plan for your year-end giving! It is through the pledges and contributions of our members that we are able to carry on our work at Christ UMC. We remind you that we offer Electronic Giving as a way to automate your offerings. It is convenient for you and provides much-needed consistency for the church. Collection basket offerings can fluctuate significantly from week to week but when contributions are automated, the church receives funds on a steady, uninterrupted basis. Please click on the link to the right where you can set up both scheduled or one-time contributions. We also accept stock donations. Don’t sell that stock - donate it! You won’t be taxed on the capital gains and you can deduct the market value.
Make contributions to Christ UMC online using your Checking or Savings Account or a Debit/Credit Card!
How to make changes to my current contribution. Click here.
For questions about giving or current balances, please contact Laurie Asmussen, Finance Secretary at 801-486-5473 ext. 117 or at Laurie's email.
It's easy to donate online!
You can make a one-time donation or schedule recurring donations using a credit card, debit card, or your checking account. Just click the button below: |
To make contributions to specific funds, please scroll down to the appropriate section.
"Give away your life; you'll find life given back, but not merely given back — given back with bonus and blessing. Giving, not getting is the way. Generosity begets generosity." Luke 6:38